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Coaching          Expat-Coaching          Workshops          About me          Contact


Coaching, Katharina Grau, Lebenskrise, Veränderung, Depression, Burn-out, Auf den Weg machen, Lösungen finden,
Coaching – What to expect?

In our business and personal lives, there are phases where we can feel stuck, especially when a difficult decision is pending. Coaching facilitates a space to help you reflect on your needs, and make your decision and path clearer. This results in a feeling of vitality – a sense of being more engaged with life.
As a systemic coach, I accompany you on your way towards your desired goal. We look at your resources and potential, and find new perspectives. I utilise coaching tools and questioning techniques, and provide you with clear feedback. My office is your safe space to find solutions, and all feedback is delivered with empathy, and with your growth/goals in mind.


Coachin in Krisen, Katharina Grau, Entscheidungsfindung, Burnout, Depression, Kommunikationsstörung, Reden, Zuhören, Angst, Motivation, Karriere, Stress, Unsicherheit, Leben, Expats, Rückkehrer
Coaching Services


I work with my clients to address issues relating to:

  • Discovering your full potential at work
  • Work and relationship stress
  • Fear of taking the next step
  • Feeling detached at work or in life
  • Mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR)
  • Communication problems at work or in your private life
  • Burnout
  • Looking for new challenges
  • Expat-Coaching 



Katharina Grau, Ziele erreichen, Zufriedenheit, zufrieden, selbstbewusster, Selbstbewusstsein, Feedback, Hamburg, Stärken, Schwächen


Successful coaching helps you to expand your horizons and shift your perspective.


Common outcomes include: 

  • Knowledge of your strengths and areas requiring growth

  • Improved self-confidence

  • Knowing what you need and want

  • Better focus at work 

  • Feeling more content

  • Increased job satisfaction

  • Improved communication leading to better work relationships, and more meaningful personal connections

Katharina Grau, Ablauf, Kosten, Unternehmen, Privatpersonen, Coaching, Beratung, Hamburg
Procedure & Cost


I provide a free introductory session by phone. Together we find a time for a first Coaching session. The Coaching process will be structured according to your individual situation and needs. I am happy to go into further details in the introductory session.

Costs are not covered by health insurance, however coaching sessions can be claimed as a business expense in your tax return.  

Cancellation or postponement is possible with at least 48 hours notice. Thereafter, the full fee will be charged.

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